Just sitting in the room with Steve Hardison changed my perception of myself and the world. My head spun as I argued with my own limitations while sitting before me was a man who completely mirrored my amazing greatness and beauty. And the way he did it blew me away. My whole being was being flooded with his intensity, and passion, about all I am, have always been, and ways I could give my gift to the world. I have been changed with every meeting I have had with Steve. Not only by the insights about my life, but more importantly through the inspiration of the way he lives his. He lives it fearlessly, lovingly, and without apology. What a model! Thank You Steve, I love you.

Alison Arnold, PhD

Steve Hardison has an amazing gift for hearing and seeing things that others just don’t hear and see. He could listen to me for 5 minutes as I described a problem and then spend the next hour helping me to see the thinking that caused the problem in the first place, but more importantly, the thinking and the actions that would solve it. His coaching impacted every aspect of my life. My business profits soared. I found new perspective and strength as a husband and father. I soon learned that Steve had been so masterful in his approach that the principles and insights had not just been learned intellectually but had fundamentally changed who I was and how I thought and acted. I was even more amazed to see how quickly I gained the power to do the same for others. I became a more helpful and insightful friend and mentor in virtually every relationship in my life. It was so exhilarating to feel this new found power come into my life and I found great joy in passing it on to others in the same wonderful way it had been given to me. I am a more powerful, insightful and effective person because of my association with Steve Hardison. I am also a more kind and helpful and committed husband, father and friend because of the things I learned from Steve. Money was a small price to pay for the lifelong benefits that still make a difference in my life every day.

Reece Bawden

Dear Steve,   The greatest gift I’ve ever given myself and one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever been given is the privilege of working with you! This is my attempt to thank you.   I distinctly recall reading about you a few years ago, and I immediately wanted to learn more about you. After looking at your website I remember sitting there absolutely stunned at how I felt while taking it all in. There was something about you and your site that touched a very deep place within me. Everything from the acknowledgments to the simplicity rocked me. It was so powerful that it rattled my soul while pulling me forward at the same time. Then this deep knowing occurred within me that we would work together and my life would never be the same. From that point forward I was directed to create this opportunity in my life and within approximately two years, I was sitting in your office for the first time.   Before working with you I’ve had the honor of being taught, mentored and coached by many of the best coaches, teachers and healers in existence. I’ve spent most of my life working on me. Multiple degrees, certifications, healing wounds and acquiring knowledge and skills - a lifetime of personal development and study has been my journey and yet even after all of that I had never truly realized the magnificence of who I Am and who I have become. My first session sitting with you was what Luke Skywalker must have felt like when sitting with Yoda for the first time. I was and have been continually blown away!   The blessings and changes that have occurred within my life since we began working together are nothing short of miraculous. You have lovingly and powerfully shown up for me in a way that no human being has before you. Together we have worked through my deepest challenges. You have helped me see the true nature of who I am, what I am worth and who I am being. You have continually served me so powerfully over and over again that it is shocking. To me Steve Hardison you are the embodiment of Service, Commitment, Love and Grace. You are the Ultimate Coach and one of the most Christ like individuals I’ve ever met.   Since I began coaching with you my state of being has increased tremendously. Your ability to look into my soul, see what’s really there and get myself to see it and then help me upgrade that, is beyond anyone I have ever met. As a result of our coaching, I now really see myself. I see others much more clearly as well. You have also gotten me to pull off the veil and show up as my true self.   Overall because of our work together my entire life has changed. I am radically a better man, coach, healer, boyfriend, brother, son and friend. My relationships have all improved. I now show up as the complete, authentic, powerful, loving version of myself. My mind has been honed and sharpened, my spirit has blossomed, my physical health and communication skills have improved, and most importantly my love for myself has skyrocketed. Also the results that I see as a practitioner with my own clients has at the minimum doubled in impact as a result of our work together in just the last three years. This journey for me has been priceless!!   Working with you is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I am honored to be your client and to be able to have you as my coach, my mentor and my friend. Thank you Steve – I am eternally grateful for you. I love you.     Loving you. Be Healthy,

Dr. Aaron Benes

I promised to share my experience of Steve Hardison speaking in London. Here you go... There was so much "build up" about The "Legendary" Steve Hardison coming to speak, and many had no idea what to expect - some thought they would be impressed. Hardison did not set out to "impress" the group. Instead, he simply shared his boundless passion to Love and truly serve the person in front of him. He started off by deeply and sincerely acknowledging some people in the room that had made a difference in his life... Starting with his wife Amy, who shared the stage with him - and even including people he had met for the first time earlier in the day, who came to hear him speak. Then he shared his secret to success... It’s in the "mundane miraculous magic of life unrehearsed" and how miracles are created by simply serving the person in front of him with no expectations or agenda. Serving and helping people solve problems in ordinary everyday moments. He referred to himself as a "Regular Dude with an extraordinary ability to Love and who loves creating." His magic formula for creating… Commitment. You can watch him speak about this here (the 2 hour version is recommended). Then he passionately encouraged each of us to be the “Best YOU that you can be.” He demonstrated how simple it is to make a difference in every ordinary moment. And, that’s what he does all day. This IS how he has created so many “miracles” and become a legendary world class coach. And, even at $150k a year to work with him, he has a waiting list and more people who want to work with him than he could ever serve in his lifetime. I am so grateful that on December 30, 2006, Steve took the time to talk with me and saw something in me that I was blind to at the time. Tears are flowing as I type. It was like Steve found my Soul in the “Lost and Found” and dusted me off and reminded me that I am here to shine. I’m humbled that as coaches we get to make such a profound difference. And I’m deeply grateful that Steve took the time to be with me that day. What if I never met Steve? There would be no Coaches That Rock and who knows where I would be…. Most likely wasting away in Victimville. Seriously. My heart feels sad thinking about all the people who missed out on meeting me back in the days when I was more obsessed with my money fears and how I was coming across than I was with simply seeing if I could make a difference and serving people. The message I would deliver from Steve’s talk is this… Be YOU. Your experiences make you uniquely qualified and YOU can serve others like NO ONE ELSE CAN. The more that you fully embrace your unique talents and skills as a coach, the bigger a difference you can make. No matter where you are in your evolution as a coach, you can make a difference. There are people seeking what you uniquely have to offer... What are you waiting for? Serve now.

Julie Blake

I wanted to wait two years before I wrote a testimonial for the Steve.  To wait for the glow to wear off and to see what working with Steve leads to in the longer term. So here it is.   When I discovered who I am, my life took on a purpose so much bigger than myself.  I gave up worrying about my circumstances (which were dire) and committed my life to the pursuit of something way bigger than what one person can achieve, in one lifetime. That freed me up to take far bigger, bolder and inspired action than ever before. I act now on behalf of a bright future that my daughter and her children will reap the rewards from. I am energised by something that isn’t sheer grit and willpower and therefore a lack of energy is no longer an issue for me. I gain energy every day.   The tumour in my spine is now something that is just there with me on the journey, instead of being the source of debilitating pain, limitation and fear for my future. Where once I couldn’t move off the couch, taking ever increasing amounts of pain killers.  Now, I am the fittest and strongest I have ever been and I see no end to this.   I am loving kindness with respect to myself and all others including the planet and animals. This may sound like a ‘nice’ thing to say but as a place to relate to myself and others from, I only ever experience people and circumstances as openings to more and more possibilities for love and connection. This is who we are.   The results of the action I take now are unfathomable to me and to others. I am in awe actually. Steve told me once that if I saw myself, as he saw me, then I would get that anything IS possible. Now I exist in that place – I literally own the art of the possible and I see only solutions. Life is a playground to be enjoyed and to experience the limitlessness of ourselves, to really go for it, to be all we are and to risk letting go of who we thought we were in exchange for discovering we are creation itself.   I am that within the next three years 150,000 of the world’s most influential leaders (formal and informal) will wake up to who they really are and together we will create A Well World. My clients are the most amazing, powerful, awake, purposeful, intelligent and loving activators of a future most people won’t even know is being created RIGHT NOW. This future is one which we proudly pass onto our children, saying ‘enjoy this – we created this just for you’.   Thank you Steve. You and I know who you are. Words will never be enough for you but if I had to use a few I would say you are Infinite Love.

Martine Cannon

I have been considering this tribute to Steve Hardison for several months now. How do I articulate something so personal and deeply Sacred to me?   How do I accurately express in words, what I experienced with Steve when the only metaphors that come forward are Jesus, the Maker, the Universe? Truthfully, this is hard for me to own in a world where the most popular ideas of God would have you punished or discredited for claiming any human has attributes of God.   So after much ado, I wrote a tribute, sans God metaphors. Not surprisingly, several drafts later, I was completely uninspired by my tribute to Steve, as it read like a watered-down version of an Amazon Review of the latest motivational best seller.   What to do, what to do. I nudged myself, “Gina, just write the tribute to Steve that is yours to write, as it occurred for you, God metaphors and all.”   So from the edge of the Lake where I live, I gave the writing over to Shakti, the one in me that Steve helped me find; the one so deeply honored to write this tribute to Steve Hardison.   To begin with, a word about how I experience God: For me, (a former good Catholic girl) God, the Beloved, my Higher Power, Spirit, the Maker, the Universe, etc. is a SPACE, to see and live from. A space that is Love itself, a space where I am aware, that who I am is Love.   As far as Jesus goes, for me he is a distinction for one dedicated to the mastery of living fully awake in both the spiritual and physical worlds; a visionary so clear on who he is as Love itself, and from this place sees all circumstances as opportunities to keep choosing love. For me, Jesus is Love and Love is the Universe – AND -- this is who Steve Hardison is for me.   Steve Hardison is the Universe and when I am with him, I never feel less than or more than his equal. What I am saying is…when I am with him, I know myself as the Universe too. I know myself as Shakti.   When I am with Steve, I feel the presence of Jesus. Like Jesus, Steve has a gift for teaching people how to locate with precision, where our humanity meets our divinity and how to turn that Sacred relationship into a committed space that gets results that look like miracles – as a way of life. Steve lives and teaches by example, and his mastery of this committed space, where humanity and divinity meet and dance, is about as perfect as I have ever seen.   Steve’s Presence is powerful, while at the same time he lives fully in his vulnerability. He is remarkably relatable, his self—accountability is flawless, his track record for hitting his targets (and he sets big ones) is 99.999999999999% and yet his humility would slay dragons. I heard one of his clients describe him as the most confident and humble person she had ever met. I would agree. What I learned in my 4 years of not just studying with Steve, but in studying the man himself is that the simultaneity in which he fully lives both his humanity and his divinity, is the result of his relationship with his “word.” Like a compass doesn’t fail to guide us north, Steve does not fail to be his word; and his understanding of how language points the compass itself, in the direction we arrive at, whether we meant to arrive there or not, is profoundly illuminating.   Steve is a brilliant coach and Creator -- working with Steve is to go big or go home; my coaching experience with him is one of the most valuable and Sacred experiences of my life.   Steve is pure Power. Steve is pure Love. Steve is pure Integrity. Steve is pure Creation.   Steve Hardison is the Universe and in working with him, you get to know yourself as the Universe too. Priceless.

Gina Carlson

Steve Hardison is my life coach which means for me that he is my business consultant because he has taught me to do business as if it were the very music I loved the most. The beautifully creative spiritual poet Rumi recommended, "Let the beauty we love be what we do." Which is why at a recent seminar I gave on "100 Ways to Create Wealth" I rolled a piano out and sang, "Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out." My life in music. I've written about Steve Hardison in many books. In 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself I said that I could write an entire book about Steve Hardison's remarkable work in coaching and consulting, and someday I just might. Examples of ways that he coached me to higher levels of performance are plentiful. But I think the greatest thing he has taught me is the value of coaching itself. Once you open yourself up to being coached, you begin to receive the same advantages enjoyed by great actors and athletes everywhere. When you open yourself up to coaching, you don't become weaker--you grow stronger. You become more responsible for changing yourself. In The Road Less Traveled, M. Scott Peck writes, "The problem of distinguishing what we are and what we are not responsible for in this life is one of the greatest problems of human existence...we must possess the willingness and the capacity to suffer continual self-examination." The best coaches show us how to examine ourselves. It takes courage to ask for coaching, but the rewards can be great. The best moments come when your coach helps you do something you have previously been afraid to do. When Hardison would recommend that I do something I was afraid to do I'd say, "I don't know if I could do that." "So don't be you," he would say. "If you can't do that, then be someone else. Be someone who could do it. Be Brando, be Bruce Lee, be anybody, I don't care, as long as you do it." Steve's coaching contribution to my life is illustrated in these words by French philosopher Guillaume Apollinaire: "Come to the edge," he said. They said, "We are afraid." "Come to the edge," he said. They came. He pushed them. And they flew." And I believe these words by Rumi could also have been written by Hardison: Today, like every other day, we wake up empty and frightened. Don't open the door to the study and begin reading. Take down a musical instrument. Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground. The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want. Don't go back to sleep. People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch. The door is round and open. Don't go back to sleep.

Steve Chandler

Steve has been a force in my life for more than ten years. As a too-busy executive with a family which includes a Special Needs son – I was searching for a solid foundation, an infrastructure upon which to build my life. Steve helped me identify the things that are important; helped me learn from the best-of-the-best and helped me discard those things that are not useful. He continues to bless our lives with his support and presence.

Ruth Covey

Imagine sitting on the edge of the universe looking into an unknown world that contains some life form. Imagine not having any idea what it is like there. No idea of how or if you would survive there. Then you have someone who says it is the most amazing place to be. It is life, it is beauty, it is truth, it is integrity, it is fulfillment, it is commitment, it is peace, it is completeness. Welcome to life after coaching with Steve Hardison. Steve, thank you for showing me how to live. I love my new life. I love you!

Brandon Craig

Steve Hardison has made an indelible imprint on my life—and on how I view myself and my opportunities. Insights I have gained through his coaching still resonate, day after day, year after year; and they continue to positively influence my thinking and my responses. Steve is an extraordinary man, with extraordinary commitment, and extraordinary ways of helping people discover more about themselves and their possibilities. For me, he is the Ultimate Coach.

Dennis Deaton

Before coming to Steve, I was, what I would call, a personal development addict.  I was always searching for the next coach, book to read, or course to take to cure me of this insatiable need to better myself.  Because of all of this experience, I came to Steve uncertain of what he could "teach" me that I hadn't already tried.  I was skeptical and closed off to him, and yet he loved me.  He loved me until I loved myself, and I did begin to love myself.  Week-by-week, I began to open to see the exceptional Being I am.  I feel so much peace in my heart and life as a result of my time with Steve, and all of the need to be or do more has dissipated.  I love me exactly as I am.  Steve has helped me uncover my deepest desires, which were hidden under a blanket of shame and self-hatred.  I have found a radiance as a woman that I never thought possible.  I have stopped busying myself with work, personal development, and stirving, and I have started living.  I feel freed from the prison of self-criticism and judgement, and I am in full trust of abundance and The Universe. Life is suddenly full of potential everywhere I look, and I owe my most sincere love and respect to Steve as a man and coach.  Steve is exactly who he is, and his Being so has allowed me to do the same.
With love, Erin

Erin Donovan

Steve, I have mixed feelings about finishing our time together – happy to have had the opportunity, sad to have it end. Thank you for all the gifts you have provided. But most importantly, thank you for helping Mary and I become even closer and more aligned. You will always hold a place in my heart. - Gary ////// Dear Steve, I do not know where to begin to thank you. The experience of working with you individually and with Gary has reshaped my life, my future, even my past. You have helped us create safety -- encouraging the sharing of thoughts and emotions. You have helped us to discover a pathway to a higher level of commitment to each other, our family, friends, co-workers, and especially God. Thank you for your powerful listening skills, your loving heart and your inexhaustible desire to be of service. - Mary

Gary & Mary Dyer

I have known Steve Hardison for nearly 25 years. During that time I have watched how passionate he has always been about personal transformation. He is always reading new books, doing workshops, attending schools and studying people and their nature in general. During the five years that we spent coaching with him our lives changed dramatically. Our eyes were opened to new concepts, ideas and ways of looking at the world that never would have occurred to us otherwise. We learned how to look at life and the challenges it brings with renewed enthusiasm and ways to solve those challenges with greater ease. Personally, Steve is a kind, generous and brilliant human being. He also possess an innate intuition that he uses to meet people wherever they are and assist them from there. He is a man full of love and a desire to contribute.

Camille Geitz

Choosing to have Steve Hardison coach me is one of the great defining moments of my life. Steve’s insights, observations, and challenges woke me up to a life of possibilities and wonderment. With that awakening and Steve’s masterful help and technologies I love my life. I now feel blessed to live in the realm of courage, capacity and joy. Thanks Steve for your significant part in my life.

Gary Geitz

Thank you so much for your inspirational flow today. I sit here attempting to absorb it all into my heart, mind, and soul. You are so wonderfully gifted. I thank God that we met and that you had the courage to challenge me. The richness of each day I have is greatly influenced by your valuable work with me. Thank you.

Gil Greer

I worked with Steve Hardison this past year because I needed spiritual surgery. I was going through a big life shift and wanted guidance at the highest level to help me navigate the rough terrain. The great memoirist, Anais Nin, can articulate what I was feeling when I called Steve: “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”   After that call, I was sitting in his office a couple weeks later. I had known Steve for almost two decades but now the timing was right to be coached by him… What a privilege. He is an amazing role model of excellence in motion.   I sat across from him in one of the brown leather recliner chairs and our eyes met for the first time as coach/client … I felt like I was sitting with a modern-day sage. I talked, he listened, he talked, I listened, then we danced with the possibilities that laid before us; several that I couldn’t see clearly by myself. He showed me how I can shift the perspective of any situation. I learned that life can shrink or expand depending on our thoughts about them. As Oprah Winfrey said, “The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.” From our first meeting, I became vigilant about monitoring my thoughts, doing self-forgiveness exercises and creating new thoughts. This way of being will now be part of the rest of my life… Me creating each day, moment by moment.   I’m very empathic and have a strong coaching/speaking practice but was downsizing a lot because I was feeling drained. I thought I was working too much. Steve showed me that wasn’t the case but rather I had been collecting “broken people” that I felt needed rescuing and that was preventing me from being there 100% for myself and for my family. I learned from Steve that no one needs my rescuing and everyone needs my love and that does not mean allowing other people’s drama to dominate in my world but to love them unconditionally and allow them to find their way.   I learned that my energy was being drained by not setting up proper boundaries. Now, my boundaries are strong and that shifted my whole world. I can think, listen and create from my higher self again. I have committed to my morning routine. It took almost six months to get that down. I was resistant with many real excuses but working with Steve and seeing how nothing prevented him from his morning routine helped keep me in check.   Now my vibration is higher and my work got stronger and I’m happier. I feel I have control of each day and that I’m not a “Pull-Toy” anymore, dropping everything anytime my phone rings. Now my phone is turned off in the mornings and when working.   I now spend my time creating each day and bringing in my unconscious to co-create with me and I have time to take action on the things that bring me joy. My creativity has sky-rocketed and I’m out of my slump.   I strongly recommend Steve. He is a treasured friend for life and the person who has gifted me myself back.

Lisa Haisha

My father was the President of a Rodel, a multi-million dollar corporation, when I was a boy. He then became a personal coach, changing the lives of CEOs, billionaires, athletes, actors, and more. But most of all, my father was always there for me as if I were his only “client.” As a kid I played competitive baseball – practically every day I was on the baseball diamond. My dream was to become a professional catcher, so I would spend hours in the Arizona summers catching and throwing, sacrificing my body to stop wild pitches, and improving my swing. It was at this early age that my father taught me how to create a future that I could live into. With a giant sharpie, we wrote on the back of my catcher’s mitt “THE VACUUM”. It was my new nickname because there wasn’t a wild pitch that I couldn’t scoop up or suck out of the dirt. I don’t believe that I was the most naturally talented baseball player on the first day of try outs, but I became the best simply because my father helped me believe I was the best. In my teenage years I became fascinated with skateboarding. My father being a very sought after executive didn’t chalk up my skateboarding experience as a waste of time or a misguided youth’s rebellion, but rather as an opportunity to grow closer to me. He bought a matching skateboard and went to the skate parks with me…and later broke his collar bone trying to go off a ramp. In my early twenties my passion for business exploded. It was finally time where I could be the business man going to my father for the coaching. He surprised me when he told me that he would be glad to coach me…if I paid the same fee as his other clients. It was a huge sacrifice and I had to really humble myself, but I decided to hire my father to coach me. The hours of coaching I spent with him has transformed my life. Thanks to my father, I developed the skills that have helped me build a loving relationship with my wife, close millions of dollars’ worth of business, and be at peace in a very fast pace world. All in all, my dad has been coaching me his whole life as if I were his only client, as if I were the only thing that matter. He has never tried to shape me to be something other than who I wanted to be, but rather has always helped me to be the best version of myself. And if for whatever reason I decided to leave business behind altogether and become a hippie, I’m sure he would be right there supporting me (in our matching tie dye t-shirts).

Blake Hardison

I have heard much about Steve. Most of it through the books by Steve Chandler. I wasn't sure if I was ever going to meet Steve. He seemed to live a very unique life style. No talks, videos, public appearances. The only way I had a connection with this man was through Facebook. Much to my surprise, Steve posted an announcement. He was going to speak at a Mormon church in the Phoenix Area. It took a while to comprehend that this was real. I cancelled all my appointments. I brought a Canadian with me. We drove from Sedona. When entering the church, I saw Steve in person for the first time. Much taller than I would have imagined. When he walked up on stage, the room went silent. [Note: Many moms brought their babies.] A presence could be felt. Stillness. Steve asked everyone to help him create a space so he could be the vessel through which he could deliver his message. True greatness. Steve talked about miracles. That we are all surrounded by miracles, but we often fail to see them. Steve had several illustrations and examples. What stood out to me was when he showed a strawberry to the audience. He said: 'I counted each one of the seeds on this strawberry. Look at this. It is a miracle'. Wow. Steve truly was able to build a bridge between the seemingly mundane and miraculous. A deep intensity came through that can only be described as "Presence". At the conclusion of the talk, Steve asked everyone to pick up a paper his dear wife Amy wrote. When I walked out, I was handed the last one. There was a handwriting on the first page, and after inspecting it, it seemed as if it was driving directions to his house. As it turned out, everyone who came from out of town was invited to Steve's house after the church service. Do I believe in miracles. Yes, I do now. Feels like Christmas. As I arrive at Steve's house, he drives in with his Porsche. The license plate confirms it, "SFH". As I enter the house, I see 100s of books neatly stacked up. Steve said, "they are all written by my clients". Take as many as you want. Wow. Such generosity. As I talk to Steve, I only sense his presence. Not 1 % of his mind wandered. He was present as he talked with me. PRESENT. I told him that I have nothing to say to or share with him, other than my gratitude. My mind was silent. I had to take this whole experience in—it did not seem real. There was so much love and service in the room. We ate food and Steve told stories. It was clear that Steve had not other duty than to love and serve the people he was with. He shared himself freely. He talked. Not for himself. But to serve. SERVE. At the end of the afternoon, Steve asked me what else he could do for me. Shy as I am, I was hesitant to make this request, but I did: "The only thing that could possibly make me happier is to see and sit in your office for a few minutes." Steve pondered my request and agreed: "Just remember where you are when you sit in there". In no uncertain terms, Steve made clear that this is the sanctum in which miracles are created. The crucible of truth. I felt honored that he trusted me. I will leave it to the readers imagination what I experienced while sitting in Steve's office. The only thing I will say is this: Imagine yourself on a mountain top. You have left everything behind. You have given your coat and your cloak. You are naked before God. Nothing is hidden. At the end of the day, I said to myself: "This must have been one of the best days in my life." But as great as the whole day was, I also felt humbled. Almost a slight tendency to be down on myself. Who am I compared to such a giant? I have thrown myself into the fire of life 1000 times and I am still not even close to the greatness I see in SFH. It can be hard to carry the unfulfillment of one's potential. I fully believe that one of the reasons why I had to come to the United States was to meet Steve. I am a 100 % straight person. I love women. But if there is such a thing as a "man crush," then I have that for Steve. Love need not be romantic. We can also be in love with our own potential and greatness. And Steve is generous enough to hold and embody it for me. It is clear to me that Steve does not need to write books or speak—the way he lives IS the message. The entire day was a living demonstration on "miracles". I am a better person today because of it and I will never forget it. NEVER. To this day, Amy's paper (with the driving directions) lays on my desk, in remembrance of this day. Thank you for your existence, SFH.

Daniel Harner

I am deeply grateful for your work with me (and us) and for your tremendous generosity of Spirit. Both Ron and I are profoundly touched by who you are and how you are with us.

Mary Hulnick

This past summer was the hardest, most exciting, memorable and most unforgettable summer of my life and I’m glad to say that you were a huge part of my success. I am so thankful I had the chance to work with someone that was also at the top of his game and able to relate to my  ambitions and way of thinking. You not only taught me how to overcome obstacles in my gymnastics but you taught me lessons that will help me  in life, long after I retire from the sport of gymnastics. I can't tell you how important and meaningful it was to learn how to control my mind. I am going to carry what I have learned from you through the rest of my life and hopefully I can influence someone else’s life with your teachings as much as you have done for me.

Carly Janiga

Here's who Steve is for me: Steve is the most fiercely loving person I've ever met. The combination of this much heart and this much power is too much for most people. But that's ok. He's not the coach for 'most' people. There are few coaches on the planet who create a practice by invitation and referral only—Steve Hardison is the best in the world. And when I learned of the incredible commitment that he requires from his clients, I KNEW that I wanted to create a way to be coached by him. He helped me understand the power of commitment, and to live life 'from' a committed place. I spent an entire year flying from Los Angeles to Phoenix for my coaching sessions. And slowly we shone a light on, and then stripped away, every belief and thought that holds me back. In their place we created an entirely new way of me showing up in the world. And the results have been incredible—in all areas of my life. Steve's clients pay $150,000 - up front. And then they need to fly to Arizona for their coaching sessions because Steve will only ever coach from his home office. He charges that fee not because he needs the money. He doesn't. He charges that fee because of what it draws out of his client. They have to tap into resources they never knew they had. They have to enroll their wife, husband or business partner in their outrageous mission. And they have to show up in a way that never seemed possible BEFORE they chose to work with Steve. They've got most of the value from coaching with Steve BEFORE they even begun coaching with him. It's extraordinary. Before I began working with Steve, I got clear that I didn't want to spend a year working on how to create more money. That wasn't easy, I'll be honest. But I didn't want to pay a lot of money to my coach only to learn how to make it back. So Steve coached me around the deepest stuff—why I've lacked confidence for so much of my life, why I struggled around money, no matter how much I earned, why I had a constant need for approval, why I couldn't even hear people's acknowledgements, why I'd show up as powerless, why I was afraid to be a leader. I'm still me. I still have doubts and fears at times but as Benjamin Disraeli once said, "We are not creatures of circumstance; we are creators of circumstance." And whilst I used to get that intellectually, Steve helped me truly BE a creator of circumstance. I am forever grateful.

Rich Litvin

I have never experienced pure consummate love, power or generosity until I met Steve. Steve, taught me more about me than I could ever have known. His insight comes from a place that is pure love. He has mastered the art of unconditional love for himself, and in so doing he shares this with everyone he meets, especially with his clients. During my time with Steve I have learned the art of living life, loving life and giving the world the gift of me. Unconditionally...

Gary Mahler

From our first meeting there has been a profound shift, one that opened my heart and mind. Our work together helped me recreate myself and reconnect to the essence of who I am meant to be—a man who loves loving; a man who appreciates and relates; a man who is grateful for my life and all those in it; a man filled with energy and a numinous sense of the eternal...a man who lives large. Thank you, Steve, for your love and for helping me see the truth. You are a life force beyond measure.

Jim Manton

Thank you so much for all you have done for me over this past year. I really appreciate your genuine desire to assist me. Your level of commitment is such a great example. I have had so many enlightened moments and I am extremely grateful for everything I have learned! I consider it a great honor and blessing to be able to spend time with you each week. Thank you for always being such a great listener and for being so inspired. I cannot express in words how impactful these experiences have been for me. I will forever be changed! They have been imprinted in my heart and I will always cherish them! I appreciate your commitment to my personal peace and internal happiness!! I love all that we have created! I am TAOH!! I love the wife and mother I am today and I know it is because of our time together! Thank you for weekly giving me the greatest gift ever! Thank you for helping me to become the wife, mother and person that I love! I am excited for the upcoming year and everything that we will accomplish together!

Charisse Mask

Steve Hardison is by far the most power-filled coach on the planet. He has a huge heart and an amazing intellect combined with electric spiritual energy .The value he provides is exponentially greater than his fee. If you have a chance to work with Steve your life will take on a quality that is as rare as raw meat. You will not be the same. You will see the world differently and begin to see the world through a whole new lens. Having said that, the actions you will take will be bold. You will go do things and create things that you have been stuck on for years. Your life will become a fun adventure that is riddled with joy and results. If you should get an opportunity to work with Steve…take it… don’t pass go…take it. I don't know anybody on the planet that lives their life with as much integrity and enthusiasm as Steve Hardison. His work is an extension of his life. His world is opened from the inside out and thus my conversations with him, have always been life altering and powerful. I got ten times the monetary value from my work with him. Hire him.

Stephen McGhee

Listen to my experience of investing 100 hours of being with Steve Hardison on YouTube here.

John Patrick Morgan

I believe that your incredible way of being and level of commitment is something that can only truly be understood and emulated through the experience and gift of spending time with you. I feel so blessed that I am one of the lucky ones on this planet who have had that gift.

Isla Morrison

Being coached by Steve Hardison is by far the most incredible and transformative experience of my life. In the past year working with Steve, I have grown more, accomplished more, and learned more about myself and my mind than I had in 33 years of an already rich, full, successful life. The insights and ways of thinking that Steve has shared with me are deep fountains of power from which I will draw for years to come. Steve is a man of his word. I have learned that I can always count on him to keep his word and do what he says he will. I am inspired by the values and principles by which he chooses to run his life and his business. Without a doubt, the value I have received from working with Steve far exceeds the value I received from my Columbia Law School education, which I prize dearly.

Ethan Okura

I met Steve just outside of London England when we were both 19 years old. We have remained very close all these years and he was then and continues to be, my dearest friend. I was at Steve and Amy’s wedding in 1977. They have both been a part of my life for over 42 years now. Steve has an incredible power of discernment. He can see it in your eyes if you’re in front of him and he can hear in your voice if you’re talking on the phone. He uses this ability to serve you. Steve is not about judging you. Bring what you are and if you are committed, he is there to help you. On his webpage he says his coaching is not for the “faint of heart” this is a gross understatement; bring a seat belt. Steve has a very unique ability to get right to the heart of the issue. I have seen him do this many times, in many situations. Steve helps you literally turn yourself inside out and see who you REALLY are. He doesn’t spend a lot (any) of time on the past. But understanding where YOU’VE come from, allows YOU then to address YOUR future. Steve unlocks our real story, and its real. Steve doesn’t have a boiler plate template he works from, he creates each session for each individual, on the spot as it happens.  This is his genius. I was worried what a “coaching relationship” with Steve would do to “our relationship.”  It has done nothing but enhance it and I didn’t think that was possible. Both relationships are very separate, and they never bleed into each other. Steve attracts a certain type of individual, one who knows every day counts and you only have so many days. In almost every instance his clients are highly successful, but they know something is missing in terms of their own personal fulfillment. If you are inclined at all to have this level of personal interaction, you will NEVER regret it. Be prepared to have your world altered.

Scott Parker

My experience with Steve Hardison, truly the Ultimate Coach, was exhilarating! What a new world he helped Justin and I create in our sessions…each time we’d come away with a new huge discovery, renewed and excited about a new life that was unfolding exactly how we wanted it. Sometimes he’d tell us things that were hard to hear - the hard truth, and all that was perfect about it. And then he’d help us find ways to question the parts that were causing us stress, and turn them into what we really wanted. Steve has a remarkable ability to understand who is in front of him and communicate to them in a way that they can hear it. He is true integrity. He is someone I always felt safe with. I knew I could trust him to go with me into the dark moments of my past and gently bring in the light, creating new truths where there was pain, placing new beautiful meaning into my present. He taught me how to find the beauty in reality, how to find what it is I truly want, and how to speak it into existence. He gave me tools and strategies to help slow down my pressed world (thoughts) and bring myself back to peace; tools to continue finding light and joy and beauty in each present moment. It’s hard to imagine what my life would have been like without these invaluable breakthroughs discovered because of Steve Hardison. How grateful I am for the blessing he continues to be in our lives.

Justin & Britney Rohner

Steve Hardison has captured the gift of fully engaging in loving service, and from that place of full engagement he carves out a dedicated space for each and every person he works with. It is true, as he acknowledges, that working with Steve is not for the feint of heart. He opens the door to complete honesty, complete authenticity, complete faith, and complete personal responsibility. He does not believe in limits and if there is a single gift that springs from working intimately with Steve, it is the opportunity to truly understand that the only limits that exist are those structured by our own thinking. I walked through the doors of Steve Hardison’s office believing that I was expanded….enlightened….evolved and ready to conquer the world but for a few useful business tools I knew he could “teach” me. At the completion of my time with Steve, I had tapped into a stream of inner resources and understandings that would open a new space for my field of living. How? By dispelling the old thoughts about limitations and lack, separation and differences, restriction and freedom. I have learned to live into my word, and I have learned how the world lifts up to meet you when you walk that high pass. Sitting down with Steve Hardison is like sitting down at the banquet of your own life. Every beautiful, delicious, exquisite morsel imaginable is laid upon this table, and you find, in short order, that the only strategy required is that you reach forward and take hold of any and all things of your choosing. The trick is to really know what it is you choose. Steve has a way of peeling the layers of story away to allow your own wise and unique truth to emerge. When you follow this unfettered call, as I learned with Steve, there is no way to escape the richness of full hearted living that has been waiting, patiently, all along for your attention. Steve is, indeed, The Ultimate Coach.

Carla Rotering

When I interviewed with Steve Hardison in Phoenix, Arizona, I felt somehow that his strong light had singed a hole in me. I experienced Steve’s light, his absolute dedication to me and my path while I was with him. For those two hours I was given his undivided attention, heartfelt listening, and unconditional support. In short, I was engulfed with love. There are very few places on this earth where that level of intimacy and trust are available to be mirrored back to us. That was my experience with every coaching session with Steve for about a year and a half.

To this day, I cannot fathom or explain exactly what happened throughout my coaching experience. What I do know is that something magnificent began happening. My experience now is that I am on some sort of “vertical trajectory” upwards. . . .Working with him is an exhilarating ride of a lifetime. I believe it only gets better from here.

Steve, I love and respect you. Your magnificence is luminescent. Thank you for all you are being in the world, and for the world. May your shining light be the beacon for others as it has been for me.

With grace, gratitude, much love, and many blessings.

Michael Schantz

Steve Hardison is for me a piece of heaven on earth. He has the ability to speak life into the process as it unfolds generously, gracefully, and elegantly. He has the willingness to sit with you in the deepest, darkest places of your mind as a powerful beacon of light. He has the ability and commitment to see for you what you do not have the courage to see for yourself. He has the insight and intuitive power to hear what you do not have the courage to hear and the uncanny knack to say what needs to be said so you can hear it. If I had one gift that I could give to every human being on the planet, it would be to have a coaching experience with Steve Hardison.

Iyanla Vanzant

I've had the privilege of coaching with Steve Hardison for two years now. Steve taught me that it’s not about expectations; it’s about passion...finding out what we love to do and doing it. We can invigorate and liberate ourselves with commitment and passion, rather than stressing and imprisoning ourselves with expectation and obligation. Everything is more difficult when we do it out of obligation and fear. Everything is easy when we do it out of passion and love. Steve never once told me I should or shouldn’t do anything. He taught me mostly by example, how to love myself for who I am, not for who I will be when I become something or someone. I am already a miracle maker, and I simply needed to know that. It’s only my own thoughts that stop me from “being” the potential that is already built within me.

Ken Webb